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Publish with us

Whether you are a new or established author, we will always be delighted to consider your book proposal. Our expert reviewers follow professional way to assess and respond to your proposal within a short time.

Many authors prefer us among a range of publishers, as we follow a flexible approach to attain the professional standards. Our success of mantra is our professional ethics.

If you are writing a book for the first time, our systematic guidance includes the advice, support and feedback within a short period.

We at Woodhead Publishing India are committed to provide the following benefits to the author:
> Thorough assessment of your proposal by our experts in the corresponding field.
> Close personal attention from the Woodhead team throughout the publishing process
> High quality book production
> International promotion, marketing, sales and distribution

How to submit a book proposal
To present your book proposal, please use the Proposal Form provided below:

1. Book title and subtitle

2. Author's/editor's full name

3. Please provide some information about yourself, including current position and affiliation

4. Address

5. Email

6. Phone and Mobile No

7. Please write a short description of your book

8. Please list the proposed contents, including chapter, section and sub-section headings (use the additional page(s) if necessary)

9. Approximately how many words/pages would you expect your book to contain?

10. How long do you estimate it will take for delivery of the completed manuscript?

11. Please state the readership of the book.

12. Please list, in order of importance, any books which compete directly with or are similar to your book. Please supply (if possible) author/editor, publisher, publication date, price and any further information you feel relevant (please use a separate sheet if necessary).

Submit your book proposal directly to

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New Delhi
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Email: info@woodheadpublishingindia.com
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